Chinese Calligraphy Brush Real Buffalo Horn Goat Hair - Fine Asianliving
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    Chinese Calligraphy Brush Real Buffalo Horn Goat Hair

    Chinese Calligraphy Brush Real Buffalo Horn Goat Hair



    Fine Asianliving Chinese Calligraphy Brush Real Buffalo Horn Goat Hair

    A stunning handmade Calligraphy brush in our series of XL Chinese Calligraphy brushes for large script calligraphy and to paint on big canvases. This brush has a soft tip made of very long white goat hair bristles and a handle of Water Buffalo Horn. With a length of over 30 cm it is a specialty brush for artists requiring their brush to hold very large amounts of ink for long strokes or a beautiful decoration for your home.

    Product information
    Dimensions: 30 cm
    Material: Buffalo horn, Goat hair

    Product may differ slightly from image due to the nature of the horn

    Dieses Produkt ist handgefertigt und/oder handbemalt und daher einzigartig. Das bedeutet, dass es leicht von der Produktabbildung abweichen kann.

    Farbe: Weiß


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