Emperador y Emperatriz Japoneses Antiguos Hina Ningyo Meiji Style Set/ - Fine Asianliving
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    Emperador y Emperatriz Japoneses Antiguos Hina Ningyo Meiji Style Set/2

    Emperador y Emperatriz Japoneses Antiguos Hina Ningyo Meiji Style Set/2


    Descripción del producto

    Emperador y Emperatriz Japoneses Antiguos Hina Ningyo Meiji Style Set/2

    A beautiful pair of great Japanese emperor and empress dolls, or Kokin-bina, dressed in formal palace attire. The empress's dress is detailed in fine brocade silk and decorated White hand-embroidered flowers. The empress has a fan and she has been crowned White an elaborate headdress White long beads that symbolizes a bird. Both dolls have gofun faces and hands that are still in excellent condition. Beautifully detailed accessories including the crown and the fan of the empress and the long sword White segregious tsuka (handle) and the traditional black hat of the emperor.

    Every year on March 3 Japan celebrates Het pen Festival (Hina Matsuri). On this day, families set up a special altar for the dolls. They decorate this altar White branches of peach blossoms and make offerings to the Hina dolls.

    Product information:

    Dimensions: 43 x 46 per doll White pillow
    Period: Meiji period, 1868-1912
    Condition: Fabrics and the dolls are in good condition; some vulnerability White the hair of the empress.

    Only one copy!

    Este producto está hecho y/o pintado a mano y, por tanto, es único. Esto significa que puede diferir ligeramente de la imagen del producto.

    Color: Rojo, Verde, Multicolor
    Anchura en cm: 43
    Altura en cm: 46
    Profundidad en cm: 43

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