Fine Asianliving Antique Chinese Bed Hand Carved 18th Century - Fine Asianliving
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    Fine Asianliving Antique Chinese  Bed Hand Carved  18th Century

    Fine Asianliving Antique Chinese Bed Hand Carved 18th Century


    Description du produit

    Antique Chinese Bed hand carved 18th century.

    Only 1 copy!

    Dimensions: 216.5 cm x 220 cm x 174 cm

    Material: Solid Yuwood (Elm wood from North China)

    Yuwood is a hardwood and is solid, tough, and usually evenly textured. The growth rings are conspicuous by the large vroegWoodvaten, because of this the grain is quite coarse which means that the wood is very sturdy and hard.

    Questo prodotto è fatto e/o dipinto a mano e quindi unico. Ciò significa che può differire leggermente dall'immagine del prodotto.

    Materiale: Legno
    Colore: Marrone
    Larghezza in cm: 217
    Altezza in cm: 220
    Profondita in cm: 174

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    Fine Asianliving / 5 - 2 Évaluations @
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